Uni-Patch™ Cloth Stimulating Electrodes 2" Diameter

Uni-Patch™ Cloth Stimulating Electrodes 2" Diameter

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Manufacturer: Cardinal Health

C-series cloth stimulating electrodes 2" round. Self-adhering and reusable, used for TENS/NMS/FES. Whether you use a TENS unit for clients of your business or at home, the treatments are great for loosening tight muscles and relieving heavy pain. The wires are almost as durable and flexible as the electrode themselves. These electrodes are ideal no matter where you live. The hydrogel is not only long lasting for multiple applications, but work in both high temperatures and humid conditions, sticking to your clients for optimal treatments.


-Spun, lace top coat.

-Highly conductive carbon film.

-Soft, molded, socket connector.

-Quick, moderately aggressive tac.

-High rewet ability/dry out resistance.

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